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Special Bonus #2

Special Bonus #2 ($49 value)

Flow Winter Yoga Video

Winter Weight Loss Yoga

30 minute beginner video created specifically for this program to stoke the inner fire and help you lose weight during the winter months.  It’s like having a private yoga instruction at your home.

Bonus #1

Special Bonus #1 ($200 value)

Ayurveda consultation


A consultation with Emmie involves determining your Ayurvedic constitution, and addressing imbalances or dis-ease.  Knowing your unique constitution empowers you to make conscientious choices about your lifestyle and diet throughout the year, so the benefits extend well beyond the 45 minute consultation.

During our discussion you will have time to describe current concerns and learn useful Ayurvedic principles and personalized recommendations for food, lifestyle practices (including Yoga if appropriate) and herbal medicine.

Next: Share your thoughts about this video2 here


Next: Share your thoughts about this video here…

Write your #1 obstacle to losing weight right now….

In this video2 you’ll learn:

Watch this video to find out:
  • Which “healthy” foods can actually be making you gain weight
  • How to end the crazy cycle of dieting
  • The real truth about exercising to lose weight


You’re about to uncover the 3 biggest

You’re about to uncover the 3 biggest myths in the dieting world so you can finally see lasting weight loss results!!

New Year, New You: Nutrition

Go for it!

Go for it!



It’s still the beginning of the year.  You haven’t missed the deadline to begin some great habits.

I am going to offer three things you can do to change your health right now.

1.  Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water…however big or small depending on how much you like the taste of lemon.  Drink it first thing in the morning.  If it’s a small glass, follow that up with another BIG glass.  This will flush your body of fat and toxins.  It will also alkalize your body, which in simplest terms means that you will start craving healthier foods.

2.  Drink Green Juice

You have a choice in these modern times.  You can choose to jump on the green juice bandwagon or get let behind.  I say jump on!  Make a green drink everyday.  You can get powdered greens and add them to your water or buy the capsules that you can swallow.  These powdered greens are packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients that you  rarely get in a day of eating without them. 

Or you can get out the juicer and rock some kale, spinach, half a carrot or a small to medium carrot, cabbage, a green apple, celery and a cucumber.  Add in some coconut water after everything’s been juiced which will help with absorption of nutrients and add some yummy taste.  I know it can be a mess ad it can take a lot of veggies, but whatever juice you drink will boost your immune system and help your body function at an optimal level.  It’s worth it.

3.  Add roasted veggies to your menu this winter

A very simple way to get more fiber and nutrients and to fill up at dinner time is to chop a variety of veggies, put them in a baking dish, mix them with coconut or olive oil ad some salt.  Roast them in the 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes.  And I mean load up on these.  Be wild and have a few more than a few veggies: broccoli, leeks, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, garlic, beets, sweet potatoes, eggplant, peppers…they all taste amazing roasted and are so easy to prepare.  Try out some new flavors, turmeric, curry, and spices that would tickle your buds.  Then put a HEAPING amount on your plate and enjoy.  Keep it simple.

Successful Strategies for New Year’s Resolutions Part 2

1-newyears-resolutionsSo hopefully from yesterday’s post you’ve realized that to change habits successfully, you need to make a plan.  And then you need to break the overall goal into smaller steps or chunks of tasks that you can accomplish daily.

My next piece of advice will help your mind commit to whatever plan you have made.

3. It takes 14-21 days to make a new habit

All you are really trying to do, whether it’s learning an instrument or eating better, is create new habits.  Habits are formed by making the same choice repeatedly over a period of time.  Studies show that your brain only needs up to 3 weeks for a habit to form.  That means that if you choose to eat a salad every night at dinner for three weeks a salad eating habit is now formed.  Or if you wake up early and walk every morning for at least three weeks, you  will have developed an exercise habit.

Pretty cool.  There is a catch, however.  You must do the new activity every day without missing or skipping.  If you miss it for just one day, you have to start over because the pathways in our brain won’t have made a solid connection for habit formation.

You can create new habits but you will always have the option to go back to the old habit too.  You have to choose wisely.  I tell my clients to imagine habit creation in the brain kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.  It will eventually be a clear path but you have to keep shoveling.

The good news is that you can do anything for three weeks.  And if you commit to it, by the end of 21ish days, you will have a much easier time choosing your healthy habit.  It will be like you can’t not do it.

4. Start small and get bigger

Two of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to make lifestyle changes is that they try to go big or not at all and they take on too many changes at once.

Avoid these mistakes by accepting that if you choose one thing- – one manageable healthy habit- – and stick with it, you will continue to build on that and eventually chose another healthy habit.

For example, losing weight is a big goal for people.  Nutrition is attributed to 80% of weight loss.  But exercise is also a component to a healthy body and mind.  Which do you choose?  Where do you start?

I suggest you begin with nutrition.  Commit to eating more fruit and less packaged sweets.  Or have a low sugar commitment.  Or go gluten-free for three months and see the difference.  Once you start seeing results, you will want to choose even more healthy habits.

Another route is to start with exercise and get the happy feelings flowing from your workout.  This is perfectly fine.  But choose a workout that feels good to you now (not to you 10 years ago) and stick with it.  15 minutes walking is better than no minutes running.

After a month of walking, you will feel better in your mind and will most likely begin naturally choosing healthier foods.

Bottom line: start somewhere now.

Stay tuned for some more tips about how to set yourself up for a successful 2015.